TBE Congress 2020, Online

Due to the exceptional circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemics and in order to comply with the social distancing recommendations and guidelines, the TBE Annual Congress took place online.

The TBE General Assembly took place online on the 29th of September 2020. Following the opening by President of TBE, Mr Jaroszewicz, the General Assembly’s discussions surrounded the successes of the past year and the priorities and challenges of specific dossiers in the upcoming period. These included climate and energy dossiers, namely the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), the European Green Deal and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Furthermore, the renovation wave, ceramic BREF and the revision of CPR are also presented as upcoming priorities, with the CPR revision being indicated as the next upcoming challenge due to the threats connected with the process.

Following the financial reports to close off the General Assembly, the new Executive Committee is approved and the President of TBE, Mr Miroslaw Jaroszewicz is re-appointed as President for 3 more years. Additionally, the Mr Murray Rattana-Ngam is appointed as the new TBE Vice-President, and Mr Christian Keller is appointed the TBE Internal AuditorThank you to the TBE Members that attended the General Assembly. Next year the TBE Congress will be held on the 23rd of September 2021, online.